Tuesday, April 29, 2008

This stock could triple AGAIN within a few years

From the financial resource The Economist calls, "an ethical oasis..."

To celebrate Motley Fool Stock Advisor clobbering the market for 6 years running -- we'd like to give you a bundle of timely investment reports, valued at more than $225! And reveal for you...

One of the biggest profit
opportunities of the next 15 years!

April 29, 2008

Good Afternoon Fellow Investor,

What you're about to read may surprise you...

It's the story of 2 renegade brothers that are irritating the Wall Street establishment by telling it like it is...

They're brash... irreverent... and for the last half-decade, they've been right on the money!

I'm talking about Motley Fool co-founders David and Tom Gardner and their proven track record of picking winning stocks...

According to The Hulbert Financial Digest, which rates the performance of over 180 investment newsletters, "Since inception in April 2002, Motley Fool Stock Advisor's portfolio has gained 21.0% annualized - far outpacing the Wilshire 5000 Index's gain of 13.2% annually."

Here's the sweetspot in all this for you

David and Tom are right now recommending ONE STOCK that you can hold in your account for a decade or more...

And you can get the name, stock symbol, and full details today.

To tell you all about it, I've got to go back 28 years to 1980...

Back to the days of an energy crisis... foreign radicals burning our flag on the evening news... back to a fitful stock market... and an uncertain future. Sound familiar?

That's because the best way to invest TODAY is the same as it was in 1980. In fact, the process of building real wealth has been much the same throughout all of the stock market's history (just ask Warren Buffett.)

I'm talking about identifying a few unique growth businesses, poised to dominate their mass markets. And scooping up shares and holding them until the cows come home!

A $10,000 investment is worth more than $4.5 million today

Take Wal-Mart for example. Not long after Sam Walton figured out how to bring powerful consumer access to suburban and rural America, some forward-thinking investors grabbed up shares. The really smart ones held on tight...

Now to billions of people around the world, Wal-Mart is the place you go to buy tootsie rolls, a ping pong table, motor oil, diapers, a microwave, ice skates -- you name it, all at great prices.

What has Wal-Mart's stock done since 1980 (a full decade after it went public) through all kinds of up and down markets... all kinds of inflation... deflation... rising dollar... falling dollar... and a couple of wars?

With shares trading around $51 today, Wal-Mart has risen 467 times in value over the past 28 years. That's 25% annual growth -- every year for over a quarter century!

Let's face it, getting in on a blockbuster investment like Wal-Mart in 1980 was a life-changing event for early investors.

The same can be said for getting into Nike in 1987, just as that stock went on a historic run, making over 5,000% for its early investors.

And Starbucks went from zero to full-blown global phenomenon practically in the blink of an eye - another bonanza for early investors!

Companies like these don't come along too often. And that's precisely the reason for this email.

One of the great stock market stories of the next generation

The NEW American Super Brand I'm about to describe shows remarkable similarities to Wal-Mart, Nike, and Starbucks in their early days. In fact, this business is right now using the same powerful business secrets that launched these global giants.

Here's the story...

A couple of years ago, you could've gotten into this company for about a third of what it costs today. Yet, as impressive as this stock has been recently, we project it will continue growing at that pace well into the next decade.

You see, this stock is still a great buy today. More important, we believe it's going to stay a great buy for a long time. And right now, it's climbing - just like Wal-Mart did in the 1980s - so the earlier you get in, the better. Have a look...

Wal-Mart got on top by constantly inventing new ways of moving the right products to the right customer, at the right time, and always, by the most efficient means possible. In other words, no retailer has ever optimized shelf space better than Wal-Mart. It's the simple business secret that built the Sam Walton empire.

That's why the NEW American Super Brand recently made the revolutionary decision NOT to follow an industry practice of simply renting shelf space to the highest bidder. Instead, they're getting the right products to the right customers by having regional managers decide which products get a test run in stores. Then, only if that product sells well and receives positive customer feedback, will the company make a long-term commitment to carry it...

The customer -- not old, outdated industry practices -- is what the NEW American Super Brand is built around...

Starbucks also became a global brand powerhouse by keeping the customer experience front and center. As a result, people were willing to pay a lot more for a cup of coffee. Now, in much the same way, the NEW American Super Brand is charging premium prices for the right products in an appealing setting... and people are falling all over themselves to pay for the experience!

In essence, the NEW American Super Brand is using -- in tandem -- two of the secrets that built Wal-Mart and Starbucks. 

Do you agree with us that there's an unbelievable profit opportunity here?

The NEW American Super Brand's sales jumped 23% in 2004... In 2005, its sales jumped another 22%... In 2006 they jumped 19%. In fact, for the last 5 fiscal years, the NEW American Super Brand has produced average sales growth of nearly 20%!

Right now, the company conservatively estimates it will nearly double its current annual sales by 2010. In other words, you couldn't find a better opportunity, nor a better time than TODAY to get in!

In just a moment, I'm going to tell you a lot more about this potential fortune-maker, but first allow me a few seconds for a proper introduction...

My name is Carl Hendley. I publish Motley Fool Stock Advisor, featuring the stock picks and advice of...

Two very talented stock-picking brothers, David and Tom Gardner.

Over the past six years, their stock recommendations have soared, take a look:

  • Marvel Entertainment shares have jumped 697%...
  • Activision shares have SKYROCKETED, handing members of our group profits of more than 665%...
  • Moody's made 79%, while BorgWarner is up 224% and United Health Group is up 155%!
    Returns as of April 15, 2008

Let's put it in dollars. Had you been with us...

Your investment in Quality Systems would've handed you a total windfall of 517%, enough to turn a $10,000 investment into nearly $62,000!

And that's the tip of the iceberg. As of this writing, shares of some of David's and Tom's selections are up 585%... 398%... and 255%.

Overall, for the last 6 years, David's average stock recommendation is up an eye-popping 67.6%... and Tom's up 37.1%... all while the S&P 500 is pulling only 15.2% for the same period.

With a track record like this, I think it's fair to say Motley Fool Stock Advisor has been beating the market black and blue.

And this is extremely good news for you


Yes, I'm talking about shares of the NEW American Super Brand... and part of what makes this investment so explosive is it's totally in sync with the "new rules" of the global marketplace...

What are these "new rules," you ask? Well, you see... on July 11, 2006, Fortune magazine declared the old "Six Sigma" philosophy dead... and proclaimed some NEW RULES that will make or break companies in the months and years ahead...

We like these NEW RULES. In fact, David and Tom were flattered by the article in Fortune. Why? Because the brothers published some of the same rules in a best selling book called Rule Breakers, Rule Makers -- SIX YEARS EARLIER!

That's just like them. Way ahead of their time... and Wall Street, too!

Applying these rules has made for some of Motley Fool Stock Advisor's most profitable recommendations, including the ones you just saw.

Let's look at their latest recommendation -- the NEW American Super Brand - and see how it stacks up under the NEW RULES. And after that, I'll tell you how get your FREE copy of our exclusive and fully detailed report on this great growth stock...


NEW RULE: Always study the competitive landscape

The NEW American Super Brand has more smarts and greater resources than any of its competitors. It's well-managed and extremely profitable. In fact, they're flat out more profitable than the traditional giants in the industry already.

In a second, you'll discover how to get full details on this blockbuster-in-the-making stock, in an exclusive report we've just finished, called "The NEW American Super Brand." But before that, let's look at the second rule on our list...


NEW RULE: Find a niche and create something new

Just when you think there are no innovations left in a certain industry, some company like this blockbuster-in-the-making we're talking about comes along and changes the way the game is played. Their "new way of doing things" has quickly turned them into the world's largest retailer of the FASTEST GROWING SEGMENT in their industry.

And the upshot in all this for you is this -- the company can grow for a long, LONG time!

Think Wal-Mart. Think Starbucks...

Today, the NEW American Super Brand has a small number of stores out there - big cities like San Diego may have only one or two, for instance. And its only international sites so far are in Canada and Great Britain. The company continues to expand rapidly, yet prudently, with the goal of reaching $12 billion in sales by 2010.

Yes, I said, $12 BILLION!

Will you be there with them in 2010? I suspect some pretty smart investors will be!


NEW RULE: The customer is king

Did you know that the average company loses more than half its customers every 5 years? Why?

It's simple. Most companies start to think they're more important than their customers. And they get greedy, too. That's when they try to stick it to their customers in ways they don't think their customers will notice. I'm talking about excessive fees on things like hotel phone bills... rental-car gas charges... credit card fees, to name a few.

Or they cut customer benefits, while raising prices. What happens? Customers start to feel ripped off and they look for alternatives. And once they're gone, they're near impossible to get back.

That's just dumb. Yet it happens all the time.

Some companies, however, have kept the "customer experience" front and center. Remember the Starbucks example? Or take Apple for instance, they pride themselves on dreaming up what customers want before they know it...

Always a better product, always a better customer experience. And what has Apple's stock done? Shares have soared -- up 1,543% in the last 5 years.

The NEW American Super Brand won Fast Company magazine's "Customers First" Award

And just like Apple, our NEW American Super Brand has a fanatical following... and for a very good reason...

They create a much better experience than people are used to getting... and in doing so, they raise the bar on what consumers expect -- raising it so high that every day more and more consumers are changing from competitors who just don't get it... and who are falling further behind.

Remember, nobody ever caught Starbucks. Second place in coffee bars is something like 5% of the business...

(Not too many people even know who's in second place behind Starbucks. So here's a bit of trivia for you: It's Caribou Coffee!)


NEW RULE: Hire passionate people

Apple hires only people who are passionate about what they do... and Genentech (up 341% in the last 5 years) actually screens out job applicants who ask too many questions about titles and options. Because they want only people who are driven to make drugs that help patients fight cancer.

The NEW American Super Brand has a strong, loyal culture of happy and highly productive employees. This is not only critical in their customer service-intensive business, it's also extremely difficult for any competitor to replicate.

Early on, this company introduced a compensation philosophy of "gain sharing." It soon became a key driver of the company's culture and the productivity of its employees.

In 2004 for instance, For every dollar of sales, 24% went out to employees in wages and benefits. It's a simple idea that makes employees happy, which leads to happy customers, which leads to happy investors (like you and me).

The CEO of The NEW American Super Brand gave David Gardner the rundown on these strategies, along with his outlook for the coming months and years...

One of Motley Fool Stock Advisor's HUGE advantages

In fact, David routinely sits down with the top CEOs and power players from the business world. He then provides investors like you access to these powerful money-making insights and timely profit opportunities...

Opportunities like getting billionaire CEO Jeff Bezos to tell you what's next for Amazon.com... Or having the ear of Fred Smith, top dog at FedEx...

This kind of access often means the difference between making a fortune and just plodding along. It's an investing edge only a rare handful of other investors have! Of course having this edge and figuring out things before the masses is what David and his brother Tom do best...

And by putting their recommendations in an easy to use online service like Motley Fool Stock Advisor, investors like YOU...

Get advance notice on the world's best stocks before they become household names

You're learning about one today. But in the coming weeks, you'll discover many more of David and Tom's highest rated investment opportunities, until you'll have enough to fill a fortune-making portfolio. (Remember, Warren Buffett made his fortune with a few great stocks, which he held for many years.)

Let me tell you more about David and Tom. How they work. And how they continue to find stocks that are trouncing the market. (Then, I'll show you how to get your FREE report on the NEW American Super Brand stock that could pour money into your account for the next 10 to 15 years!)

Frankly, I've never known two brothers more different from each other. I've also never known two brothers more competitive. And, as a balance, that's worked out very well -- especially for investors like you and me.

Let me show you what I mean.

David is a dedicated growth investor with a legendary track record. He keeps his eyes peeled for those rare companies with a landscape changing product or service. Companies like AOL in 1994 and Amazon in 1997.

David recommended both of those stocks. In the years listed above. Those who took his recommendations turned $10,000 investments into $200,000 and $415,000!

Tom -- who also has an unbelievable track record of success -- prefers to dig into a company's financials a little more. He fully examines the company's books. He burrows deep into the numbers... digging out hidden liabilities... and sometimes, finding hidden assets the companies and Wall Street never seemed to know about.

And you know what?

Both approaches work, and both approaches have a place in your portfolio

David has hit some tape-measure home runs for subscribers of Motley Fool Stock Advisor -- like 697% gains in Marvel... and 665% in Activision...

Meanwhile, Tom has rapped out a steady string of base hits. Just about 6 out of every 10 of his recommendations are in the money. And from the time we started Motley Fool Stock Advisor up to April 15, 2008, Tom's picks...

Both winners and losers combined have averaged over 52% gains!

That's because for Tom Gardner, two simple words hold the key to stock picking success: owner earnings. That's the actual cash generated by a company's operations after all the bills have been paid. And for Tom, it's the most transparent, straightforward way to judge how a company is doing.

In any given month, it's not unusual for Tom to start with 100 great companies before he methodically and meticulously pares the list down to the one very best pick in Motley Fool Stock Advisor.

So while David is seeking out innovative companies that are causing massive shifts in their industries, Tom's picks tend to be lower profile businesses in seemingly dull industries. But with rock solid financials and plenty of growth potential...

For example, Tom recommended Quality Systems -- up 517%... BorgWarner -- up 225%... and United Health Group -- up 155%!

How would you like to have stocks like these in your portfolio? Sizzling growth companies from David. And strong steady performers from Tom? Heck, why not get both! And here's how we can begin...

The NEW American Super Brand has characteristics that both David and Tom look for -- all together in a single blockbuster investment...

  • growing 10% to 20% a year
  • dominating their business niche
  • first-rate leadership with a long tenure
  • innovation that's shaking up an industry

That's why we're offering full details on this explosive opportunity in the exclusive report, "The NEW American Super Brand." You can grab it FREE along with...

Specific market-beating ideas -- beginning right this instant!

Ideas I like to call David's profitable "triple whammy." Here's what I'm talking about: If a recommendation still looks like a potential winner, David has no problem jumping back in. That's what happened when he recommended Marvel to his subscribers... three times!

Marvel has been raking in huge profits by licensing its collection of comic book characters and using its own movie studio to bring them to the big screen. For example, Spiderman, Spiderman 2, and Spiderman 3 earned $822 million, $784 million, and $891 million at the worldwide box offices. And then there's also revenue from DVD sales, cable television licensing and action figure sales...

David caught on to this blockbuster potential way ahead of the investing masses...

He first recommended Marvel in July 2002 and subscribers who bought in at that time are up an incredible 697%. Had you invested $5,000 back then -- you'd be sitting on more than $39,000 right now!

And there was more to come. David saw that the potential for great growth was still in place a few months later. So, in December of 2002, he recommended Marvel again, giving members a second chance to rake it in. Anyone who bought then is sure glad he or she did. It's up 396% since!

The bottom line in all this: There's no time like RIGHT NOW to take control of your finances and start building real wealth. It's easy to do with Motley Fool Stock Advisor. And your timing couldn't be better...

Because as I mentioned earlier, the NEW American Super Brand is proving they can execute the kind of business strategies that built powerhouses Wal-Mart and Starbucks.

This stock is RIGHT NOW in a perfect buying window!

As I mentioned a minute ago, every dollar held in this stock would have more than doubled since 2002. Meanwhile, how would you have fared holding shares in the S&P 500? Over that exact same period, you would have finished up just 43%.

It's not easy to keep piling on gains, while the biggest blue-chip stocks barely break even. But holding just this one stock, you would've left most other investors in the dust. Not to mention most mutual fund investors.

But why would we recommend a company that's already up this much? Because it's just getting started. And after a temporary pullback -- investors today are poised to buy it on the cheap!

Take a look at how the two compare on this chart:

Only stock you'll need to own

Remember, if you bought Wal-Mart 10 years after it IPO'd, you would've still made a fortune. And likewise you would've multiplied your Starbucks investment nearly six times if you bought 5 years after SBUX went public...

That's why I want to rush you a FREE report with full details on this great growth opportunity... at the very same time you try Motley Fool Stock Advisor... And I'm so confident this special FREE report, "The NEW American Super Brand," will properly position you for this massive and inevitable opportunity -- I'm willing to make you this powerful guarantee...

Your special "keep everything" & "lose nothing" -- DOUBLE GUARANTEE

Because we stand behind every piece of advice, insight and recommendation you'll get from this service -- I'd like to offer you the opportunity to position yourself to make a pile of money and soak up all the recommendations that Motley Fool Stock Advisor has to offer -- WITHOUT ANY RISK WHATSOEVER. Here's how it'll work...

You can tell me to send your money back, up to the last day of your first month. And I'll give you a FULL REFUND -- NO QUESTIONS ASKED.

Yet... the full details of The NEW American Super Brand... plus all the content you can access on the Stock Advisor members-only web site: all the reports... all the recommendations of the past issues... all the articles full of proven investing lessons... plus the fast-action bonus detailed below (valued at $69) -- are ALL YOURS TO KEEP WITH MY COMPLIMENTS.

And if you decide you'd like out at any point after your first month, I'll gladly send you the full dollar value of the remainder of your membership term! Of course this kind of guarantee makes it possible to snap up everything we have to offer and pay nothing! That's okay. Because that's how confident I am in what we have to offer you.

Here's how you can get full details on The NEW American Super Brand and prepare yourself for one of the biggest profit opportunities of the next 10 to 15 years...

Simply subscribe to Motley Fool Stock Advisor for a full year for just $199 (an incredible bargain when you look at our track record).

But when you join through this special new member offer today, you get even more value and a huge savings! Take a look at everything you'll receive, and the special price for you today!

When you order from this email, you can knock $100 OFF the top!

Here's how we will begin: You're provided all of David and Tom's easy-to-follow research. They run the numbers and give you detailed analysis of their top recommendations.

We make all the hard decisions, naturally, so you don't have to.

Motley Fool Stock Advisor is fully accountable TO YOU

We track our results straight up against the S&P 500 -- right there on the scorecard. You can see everything we've EVER done, and what we're doing in every monthly issue or anytime on our members-only web site.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Look at everything your subscription includes:

  • Monthly issues: featuring our Top Picks of the Month; updates on past recommendations; a clear discussion on the most important elements of successful investing in the "Fools Tools" and segments; and plenty of competitive jousting in the Dueling Fools column -- two brothers who want to outdo each other in every profitable recommendation they make for you!
  • Weekly updates and alerts via email keep you abreast of changes in our advice and keep you squarely on track to build real and lasting wealth! At Stock Advisor, we leave nothing to chance...
  • 24/7 website access for members only: You can read the current newsletter issue as soon as we write it; research back issues; browse our ongoing question & answer section -- anytime you want! Plus, access special reports, interviews, past picks and latest performance data in the full catalog of Motley Fool Stock Advisor issues...
  • Online discussion boards for members only with access to the Stock Advisor team of experts...

After all, Motley Fool Stock Advisor is a lot like an investment university. It's an active community of smart investors. You can join David and Tom -- and your fellow members -- online in spirited discussions. Or you can sit back and simply follow the recommendations...

The important thing is you'll be getting great growth companies for your portfolio from two of the best stock-pickers working today. And you can get started profiting RIGHT AWAY with the exciting company we've been talking about today...

You'll discover full details on The NEW American Super Brand right out of the gate

"The NEW American Super Brand" - This is a great growth investment. The stock combines all the key elements for fast-growing success: a great business model (growth financed from cash flow, not debt), great management, happy employees and customers, a brand people are changing to in droves because of the wonderful customer experience, and a major long-term expansion opportunity...

At the end of last year, the company signed several new leases, bringing the current pipeline of stores to be opened to a record 89. And according to a recent article in The Wall Street Journal, the NEW American Super Brand company actually increases property values in the areas where it opens a store. A selling point the company will be able to exploit when it negotiates future leases.

Plus, get these valuable bonus gifts FREE!

Yes, there are even more great opportunities for you in our special offer today! You'll also receive...

3 Breakout Stocks for Big Profits

"3 Breakout Stocks for Big Profits" -- Here's a company that's becoming the "Yahoo of China." In addition to providing some international diversification, this opportunity opens the door to capital gains that David believes could be EPIC. According to his analysis, "this company has the potential to be a 10-bagger over the next 10 years." And believe it or not, the other 2 stocks described in this report may have as much, or more, potential!

Danger Signs in 15 Minutes

"6 Danger Signs in 15 Minutes" - Is there an Enron in your portfolio? Here's how to tell.

David and Tom show you the red flags you need to look out for. These easy-to-spot, often overlooked factors can give you a window into the inner workings -- even the character -- of a company's leadership.

These quick and easy checks will help you sniff out "creative accounting," fictitious revenue and other ways companies can seek to deceive their stockholders. These shortcuts will help you cut through balance sheet chicanery like a laser.

Best of all, you don't have to pay a penny for "6 Danger Signs You Can Check in 15 Minutes." Just take us up on this Motley Fool Stock Advisor offer -- at no risk of course -- and we'll send you a copy absolutely FREE.

How to Know When to Sell

"How to Know When to Sell" -- Far too many brokers and investment newsletters tell you to "buy" but never say a word about selling. But successful investing also includes knowing when to sell.

David and Tom don't believe in selling before a company's fundamentals change dramatically (or you find an even better company). But it is necessary now and then. In this special report, "How to Know When to Sell," they reveal their simple, easy methods for quickly assessing your stocks, based on fundamentals.

With these easy-to-use tips, you'll make decisions based on solid valuations rather than emotions or news of the day. Following the guidance in this report could help you avoid a meltdown like 2000-2002.

You'll know when to take profits, how to balance your portfolio, when to trim the dogs, and when to trade in your lower-performing stocks to pursue greater opportunities. YOURS FREE when you accept our no-risk offer today!

"Big Profits From the Baby-Boomer Bonanza" -- In 2006, the first baby boomers turned 60. In this special report, Tom Gardner names two well-known companies that are positioned to capitalize on the most powerful demographic trend in history.

You'll get details on a diversified health services company that has profits of 25% and a share price likely to DOUBLE over the next five years. And you'll discover a next-generation provider of clinical tests that is hugely profitable yet overlooked by Wall Street. YOURS FREE when you accept this no-risk offer today!

PLUS, act now and we'll send you one of the most valuable special reports we've ever put together here at The Motley Fool -- ABSOLUTELY FREE!
Have a look...

As with any truly remarkable offer -- this package is only available for a limited time. I can only guarantee you this special offer, a FREE copy of "The NEW American Super Brand," the 4 additional FREE REPORTS, plus your FREE copy of Stocks 2008: The Investor's Guide to the Year Ahead -- if you join us right now AND you join through this email.

Please hurry. It's going to be hard to offer so much... for so little... for very long!

Most important, I urge you to click the "START NOW" button to properly position yourself for potential windfall gains from the NEW American Super Brand stock...

We project this stock will triple within the next few years. And it could pour substantial money into your portfolio for 10 to 15 years!

At which point some investors will look back at today's share price and wonder how they missed out... (that's how it always is)...

Others, however, will look back proudly with the sense of accomplishment that only comes from snapping up a life-changing investment opportunity.

Act now!


Kate Ward

Carl Hendley
Publisher, Motley Fool Stock Advisor

P.S. This is a no-lose proposition. You're covered by our special "keep everything and risk nothing" DOUBLE GUARANTEE. Your "NEW American Super Brand" report... plus 4 more FREE GIFTS (more than a $100 value)... and your copy of Stocks 2008: The Investor's Guide to the Year Ahead (a $69 value)... not to mention all the content you can access on the Stock Advisor members-only website: all the recommendations of the past issues... all the articles and reports full of actionable money-making tips, are ALL YOURS TO KEEP WITH MY COMPLIMENTS REGARDLESS OF HOW LONG YOU'RE WITH US.

There's only one catch: To take advantage of this remarkable offer, you must join through this email today!

All stock recommendation returns as of April 15, 2008. All other numbers as of March 6, 2008.

Friday, April 25, 2008

An Extreme Buying Opportunity

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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The secret to oil's hidden millionaires


The Secret Behind
Oil's Hidden Millionaires

They aren't Saudi princes. And they don't own oil-rich land in Texas or mineral rights in Oklahoma.

Yet in the time it took gas prices to shoot from $1.50 to $3 a gallon, they got 1,291% richer.

Just ahead, you'll discover how they did it and how you can join them for oil's next big run -- if you act before May 23, 2008.

By Bill Mann, Motley Fool Senior Analyst

Imagine turning the tables so that soaring gas prices would make you a fortune, instead of costing you one...

Well, that's exactly what a group of savvy investors has done and is about to do again...

I call them oil's hidden millionaires.

By taking one simple action, they cut themselves in on a HUGE oil and gas fortune...

And in the time it took gas prices to double, every $10,000 they invested turned into $139,000.

How'd they do it? I'm going to show you. Along with how you can join them and claim your fair share of the "recession-proof" wealth that's about to be made as gas prices continue to surge toward the unprecedented $5-a-gallon mark.

But I must warn you... this opportunity won't knock twice. By the time you see this story on CNBC, the money train will be long gone.

Whatever you do, don't make the mistake of thinking gas won't hit $5 a gallon...

It's already a fact of life in London, Paris, and Stockholm -- and has been for years.

When $5 gas hits our shores, it can either be the best news you've heard in a decade -- or the worst. And it's likely to happen sooner than you think...

  • The CEO of Total SA, one of the world's largest oil companies, recently confessed that the world can't increase oil output beyond current levels.
  • The Wall Street Journal reports that output from the world's existing oil fields is dropping about 4.5% per year and by up to 18% per year at some of the biggest oil fields in the North Sea, Alaska, and the Gulf of Mexico.
  • The New York Times reports that many of the world's top oil exporters may have to begin importing oil within a decade to keep up with rising energy demands inside their borders.

Of course, some people -- like the OPEC ministers -- claim that oil isn't running out. But can we really trust them?

They've got a stranglehold on nearly half the world's oil supply, and are concerned only with maximizing profits and adding to their already obscene wealth.

Just last year they quietly raked in a cool $675 billion -- up 10% from the previous year -- while we sat back and watched soaring gas prices gobble up our hard-earned cash.

No wonder The Economist says, "OPEC is more likely to worsen a global slowdown by keeping prices high than it is to ease one by allowing them to fall."

And don't forget, a handful of OPEC member nations -- including Iran and Venezuela -- are openly hostile toward the United States, its economy, and its government.

In fact, as I write you, Venezuela's little big man, Hugo Chavez, is threatening to cut off oil shipments to the U.S. altogether. This from our fourth-largest supplier of oil!

If he does, $5 gas will be here even sooner.

This will end up costing all of us thousands, BUT it could make a few of us millions...

To understand how, let's step back for a minute and assess the current situation...

Demand for oil is soaring worldwide. And the fast-growing economies of China and India, in particular, are putting a huge strain on supply. Meanwhile, that supply is shrinking.

That, in turn, has oil and gas companies desperately scrambling for new oil and gas finds.

Merrill Lynch & Co. Vice President Thomas Petrie told The Wall Street Journal, "People are running hard to find new sources of oil, and that's just to keep even."

And right there is our opportunity!

You see, oil and gas companies can now afford to search for reserves in places that had been considered way too expensive before. And all across the U.S., once-marginal oil and gas fields are becoming virtual cash machines.

But only a handful of highly specialized companies have the state-of-the-art technology, the specialized skills, and the artful know-how needed to locate these profitable gushers.

"With no breaks on the price of oil, plus energy companies' insatiable appetite for exploration, times have seldom been better for service companies that find drillers' bread and butter."

-- Investor's Business Daily

And one oil-services company stands head and shoulders above all the rest

When it comes to finding new oil and gas formations where others have failed or where drilling previously proved unprofitable -- these are the GO-TO guys!

And now even the U.S. government is adding fuel to the fire.

The Economist confirms"Opening up land for energy development has been a federal priority since 2001." In Colorado alone, the number of drilling permits granted on federal land has skyrocketed, from 79 in 2006 to nearly 800 in 2007.

That explains why shares of this tiny company shot all the way from $6 past $85 in just the time it took gas prices to double.

At that rate you could have turned $100,000 into $1.4 million in less than five years (or even $3,000 into $42,500). And that's exactly what oil's hidden millionaires did...

And now it's your turn. In just one moment, you can get the name and stock symbol of this company... but first, a couple of things you should know...

A 1,291% gain may be just the beginning for this no-frills business from America's heartland

That's no accident, either.

This company's visionary founder has been waiting for this perfect storm ever since he set up shop in a sleepy windswept West Texas town back in 1952.

He's been at the helm ever since. Not to mention, he owns nearly $6 million worth of the company's shares.

And now his years of dedication and hard work are really paying off...

For the past three years, revenues have grown at a stunning 55%-per-year clip, and I have every reason to believe that this fortune-building growth will continue well into the future...

At a recent oil and gas conference, the company's CEO confirmed that demand for this company's services are at "an all-time high" and that its crews are already fully booked well into 2008.

Intriguing? It's more than that...

But what if oil prices fall and companies slow their search for new onshore fields?

You may think that's a concern, considering some say we'll see $90 or even $80 a barrel in the near future.

But I wouldn't count on it. Even a worldwide recession couldn't drive oil prices that low again. Demand is just too strong. Oil supply peaked long ago. And supplies are shrinking.

What's more, OPEC and other producing nations will cut production before they let prices fall more than a few dollars. In fact, we're more likely to see $120 oil than $80 oil.

But even at $60 per barrel, this company's specialized services will be in high demand. In fact, oil prices would have to be cut nearly in half before this company's awesome revenue pipeline would even begin to slow down.

Why then is this company's stock selling at such a bargain? Ironically, it recently pulled back, along with the rest of the market, on recession worries, even though...

Its business is virtually "recession-proof"

Lots of folks wrongly assume that a recession will cause people to stop buying gas and that will drive oil prices down.

But remember, billions of people around the world rely on their cars to get them to and from school, work, the grocery store, the doctor, and their kids' soccer practices. And they use oil's cousins, natural gas and heating oil, to heat their homes.

The fact is we are hopelessly addicted to oil and gas, and that addiction won't wane -- even in a recession...

 "Contrary to popular belief, Americans facing a looming recession should expect little relief in the form of lower gas prices."

-- CNNMoney.com

In fact, according to experts cited in the CNNMoney article, even slowing consumer spending and rising unemployment "are unlikely to drastically reduce energy prices," and the article confirmed, "For 2008, most analysts expect crude to keep rising."

Earlier this year, well-respected energy analyst John Kilduff predicted that oil prices could climb as high as $110 a barrel in 2008. Today, we're sitting at over $113!

And that's no surprise when you consider that global energy demand is expected to rise 2.3% this year -- as supply shrinks by nearly 5%!

This is the hard reality that so many people are missing -- demand is still going up, yet supply is going down!

And that's the reason oil and gas expert Stephen Shorck says, "At this rate, we're going to see $4 a gallon." Probably within weeks -- as we approach Memorial Day weekend and the beginning of the summer driving season. And then we'll see $5 a gallon and even higher.

All of which means energy companies are going to be even more desperate to find new sources of oil and gas.

Now you can see why I'm convinced this is one of the most intriguing investment opportunities today. But, you may be wondering, is it too late to get invested in this company?

No. Not at all. In fact, your timing is excellent...

Based on the company's stellar past performance and outstanding future prospects, this stock should be trading through the roof. But the recent credit crisis and recession talk have investors across the board spooked.

Amazingly, this stock has retreated -- right along with all the rest -- handing investors like you an incredible gift.

You seldom find an opportunity like this, but when you do, the profits can be spectacular

In a few seconds, you can get the name and stock symbol of this fast-growing company, but first let me show you what happened to other companies whose share prices pulled back just as their businesses truly began to take off...

I first encountered it with Wal-Mart in the winter of 1987.

At that point, shares of the retail giant had climbed as much as 780% in just five short years.

Most investors thought it was too late to jump on board. But the second the stock pulled back, a handful of savvy investors bought in.

Of course, that was just before Wal-Mart became "America's Superstore" and the stock climbed another 1,774%!

Wal-mart's Growth

It was the same story with Dell in 1993.

By 1993 personal computers were spreading like wildfire, and those who got in on this dorm-room PC maker's IPO had already grown their money as much as 650%.

But in early 1993 shares of Dell retreated. Most assumed it was the beginning of the end for college dropout Michael Dell's little "computer project."

Wrong. Those who took advantage of this drop in share price made over $1 million for every $10,000 they invested. And in just 5 short years -- as Dell appeared in almost every office and college computer lab across America!

Dell's Growth

And now, incredibly, we have a similar situation with a great little company in another one of the economy's most profitable and in-demand sectors...

Dawson's Growth

Here's yet another reason this stock could soar higher than almost any other stock in the world's most profitable sector...

A key advantage to getting on board with this company right now is that... most investors haven't even heard of it.

That probably sounds crazy. But bear with me... and take a look at these companies...

  • Hansen Natural
  • Asta Funding
  • Immucor
  • Celgene
  • Apple
  • Comtech Telecommunications
  • Daktronics
  • Green Mountain Coffee Roasters
  • Clean Harbors
  • Innodata Isogen

How many of these companies did you buy, or even know about, 10 years ago? One or two? None?

With the exception of Apple, those are some pretty obscure companies. But believe it or not, they are the 10 top-performing stocks of the last decade.

Over the past 10 years, they earned forward-thinking investors anywhere between a fortune-making 2,893% and an absolutely mind-blowing 19,949%.

Can you guess what they all have in common?

That's right... 10 years ago they were tiny companies very few investors had ever even heard of.

In fact, with the exception of Apple and Celgene, not one of them had a market cap over $75 million.

Asta Funding, a boring little debt collection business from New Jersey, weighed in at a paltry $3.1 million. But every $10,000 invested in it back in 1998 would now be worth $414,047.

And the same amount invested into little-known boutique beverage maker Hansen Natural would be worth an astounding $1,743,043!

Can you imagine? Investing $10,000 and getting back $1.7 million. In just ten years!

The point is: Investing in tiny, unknown companies with great potential can truly change your life. You've just got to know what the megatrend is... who's got the visionary management... and who's in the right place at the right time...

That's why I travel the globe to find companies just like the one I'm recommending today...

And if you've stuck with me this far, you know what I'm saying makes good sense.

So let me make a proper introduction and show you what else I've got for you in addition to this great little company that just might make you a fortune...

I'm Motley Fool senior analyst Bill Mann, and I've dedicated years of my life to uncovering little-known companies that earn life-changing returns. I call them "Hidden Gems."

Believe me, finding companies like those you just saw is no easy task. My search has taken me everywhere from exploding metropolises like Shanghai and Sao Paulo to idyllic islands like Bermuda.

I've even ended up in all-American towns like Elgin, Illinois. That's where Motley Fool co-founder Tom Gardner found an obscure maker of commercial ovens back in 2003.

After weeks of research, late-night number crunching, and several verifying phone calls, we recommended this company to a tight-knit community of opportunistic investors -- namely, the members of our Motley Fool Hidden Gems service.

So what happened?

Well, the stock is up 584%.  And Hidden Gems members who followed our advice have already turned every $10,000 invested into $68,400 -- in less than five years.

It's the same story with the online jewelry retailer we recommended to these investors in September of 2005. After just two years, our Hidden Gems members were able to lock in a 207% gain.

There are many more: We recommended an obscure maker of nasal strips... an unknown funeral-services company... and an under-the-radar developer of drugs for rare genetic diseases.

You guessed it... our Hidden Gems members were able to walk away with gains of 235%, 179%, and 207%, respectively.

Here's an idea: Why not join us and get our Hidden Gems recommendations yourself? Why not set yourself up to earn fortune-building returns like these:

  • Sadia -- Up 131%
  • Walter Industries -- Up 155%
  • Nuance Communications  -- Up 176%
    *Returns as of 3/24/2008

In each case, these Hidden Gems could've more than doubled your money in less than two years, whereas a like amount invested in the S&P 500 would have grown a measly 8%.

In fact, overall our average Hidden Gems pick is up 31% -- versus just 9% for a like amount invested in the S&P.

That's right -- 22% higher returns than the broad market!

So what's our secret?

It's not what you might think.

We aren't gunslinging traders who chase hot stock tips. We don't rely on supercomputers or fancy algorithms. And we don't have a surefire system for timing the market (all good ways to lose money).

Instead, we just work harder to find tomorrow's biggest stock market winners -- the Hidden Gems that will make tomorrow's millionaires.

We pride ourselves on traveling farther, digging deeper, and searching harder than any other analysts out there to find you the market's next blockbuster stock.

And as you can see from our results, our hard work is paying off.

Rather than following fads or flavor-of-the-week stocks, we just play it a lot smarter by seeking out well-managed, conservatively run small companies that are undervalued and unknown by most investors.

In fact, we help our members STEER CLEAR of the flashy, high-risk, low-quality stocks that other advisors recommend, because these almost always end up losing you money.

Let me show you what we look for, and what you can count on getting in the companies we recommend when you become a Motley Fool Hidden Gems member at no risk:

  • Experienced, shareholder-friendly management
  • Pristine balance sheets
  • Visionary founders with MEANINGFUL stakes
  • A competitive edge
  • Massive potential for growth

In other words, these are companies that you can buy with confidence and hold on to for years to come... companies that help you build your wealth faster than you ever thought possible... companies exactly like the cutting-edge oil-services firm I am writing you about today.

Companies that could build your investment fortune!

Possibly the most promising of all our Hidden Gems picks

We already recommended this amazing oil-services company to our Hidden Gems members back in December 2005.

Members who invested are already up 114% -- and that's after the recent broad market sell-off.

And now, with the pullback, we're strongly recommending it again. After all, things have never looked better for this company. Not only are they tops in their field, but...

  • Revenue has been growing at a breathtaking 55% clip over the past three years.
  • Net income has tripled over the same period.
  • Return on invested capital (ROIC) has soared from 8.8% in 2004 to 19.8% last year.

It's just a fantastic company...

Here are a few more compelling reasons to get invested in this company right now...

  • Top management has been in place for 15 years, and has proven that it puts shareholder interests front and center.
  • Its visionary founder has been involved in day-to-day operations for the past 55 years and still owns a sizeable stake.
  • Demand for its services are at an all-time high as exploration companies search for desperately needed new oil and gas formations.
  • And profits should continue to soar right along with energy prices for many years to come.

By now, you can see why this tiny company has got me so excited... why I think it has the potential to grow your wealth faster than you ever imagined... and why if you get invested right now, the coming $5 gas could be the best news you've heard in years.

Still, I wouldn't want you to make an investment decision solely on what I've told you here. And that's why I want you to have a complimentary copy of the premium research report I just finished for Hidden Gems members, "Oil's Hidden Millionaires: How You Can Cash In on $5 Gas."

In this report, you'll get an in-depth look at this company's history, business, and financials, plus the company's name, ticker symbol, and everything you need to make a sound decision. And of course, all this valuable information is presented in plain, easy-to-understand English. 

"If you plug in the growth estimates from the analysts who cover [it], the shares should be worth well over $100"

Even if you decide not to invest, you'll want to read this report cover to cover. It may well be the most intriguing opportunity you'll come across this year. But equally important, it will show you the kind of in-depth research we do for the members of our Motley Fool Hidden Gems service...

... The kind of research that can help you become one of the hidden millionaires I was talking about earlier.

This valuable report is yours FREE with my compliments. I'm happy to send it to you. And you can even download the entire report instantly if you like.

In return, all I ask is that you accept something else I think will prove extremely valuable to you in the coming months. It's an invitation to join us at Hidden Gems completely risk-free.

Why accept that?

Because you'll get the benefits of all our hard work, ferreting out tomorrow's biggest stock winners. And all our recommendations. In short, all the Hidden Gems that could build an investment fortune for you.

And again, it's completely risk-free. You can't lose one dime.

When you accept my private invitation today...

Here's what you'll receive...

You'll get prompt access to my brand-new premium report, "Oil's Hidden
Millionaires: How You Can Cash In on $5 Gas,"
filling you in on the amazing oil-services company we've been discussing today.

You'll also get full access to the Hidden Gems password-protected website, where you can check out our interactive scorecard, revealing the performance of every past and current Hidden Gems pick.

Then, every month you're a Hidden Gems member, you'll receive our Hidden Gems advisory letter in the mail. I'll even alert you by email the moment it is available online, so you can access it instantly.

You've seen the impressive results we've been getting for our members. And...

Each valuable Hidden Gems issue reveals not one but two TOP undiscovered, undervalued stocks my team and I believe are poised to CRUSH the S&P 500 over the next three years.

These are companies we believe will create a new generation of hidden millionaires...

Of course, all the important reasons for our recommendations will be included, so you'll get everything you need to make sound investment decisions.

You also get access to 1) the official Hidden Gems watch list, 2) our Tiny Gems picks -- featuring higher-risk, higher-reward micro-cap stocks, and 3) a list of our top 10 recommendations for your new money right now...

Plus, when you join our Hidden Gems community without risk today, you'll also receive these features, benefits, and bonuses that are sure to make you a more successful investor:

  • FREE! Hidden Gems Weekly -- Get the latest news on our Hidden Gems recommendations straight from the research pit, so you'll always know exactly where our recommendations sit and where they're headed next.
  • FREE! All Back Issues -- Every back issue of the newsletter is archived on the site, so you can read every recommendation we've ever published. This will allow you to learn the ins and outs of our time-tested investment strategy so you can make future investments with 100% confidence.
  • FREE! Unlimited Access to Your Password-Protected Website -- Where you'll get the all the information and research needed to make you a more successful investor. Plus, full access to our discussion boards, where you can swap investment ideas with other top-notch individual investors.

Costs less per week than a single cup of good coffee

Okay, let's talk price, which really isn't much of an issue, considering the kind of fortune-building results we've been getting for our members...

  • Middleby -- Up 584%
  • Ctrip.com -- Up 262%
  • Rofin-Sinar -- Up 194%
    Returns as of 3/24/2008

With results like these, you'd probably expect to pay thousands of dollars per year. Plenty of investors do... and get far less. But you can forget about that...

When you accept my private invitation today, your Hidden Gems one-year membership is just $149.

Surprised? Sure. That's just $3.82 per week. Less than you'd pay for a Starbucks Grande Latte -- or what you'll soon have to pay for a single gallon of gasoline.

And of course my invitation includes the valuable report on the oil-services company we've been discussing today, everything promised above, and a 30-day 100% Money-Back Guarantee!

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"When I started, my portfolio was down to $700. In less than 2 years, it has grown to almost $6,000. I know it's small now... but what a great start! I will never be without a subscription to Hidden Gems, unless you retire and Hidden Gems ceases to exist."
-- A.R.

Start Now!

Yes, take a whole month to decide if Hidden Gems is right for you...

As my personal guest, I want you to take full advantage of everything Hidden Gems has to offer WITHOUT ANY RISK WHATSOEVER.

During your first 30 days, if you agree that Hidden Gems is making you money and helping you become a far more successful investor, simply do nothing. I'll send you a new issue each month for the year.

BUT... if for any reason you decide Hidden Gems isn't right for you, I will gladly refund ALL your money, up to the last day of your first full month.

In fact, all you have to do is call Andy in our customer service department. He works right down the hall from me and will be happy to give you a PROMPT and COURTEOUS refund. NO QUESTIONS ASKED.

That's right... you risk nothing, not one dime!

Of course, everything you find and use on the Motley Fool Hidden Gems members-only website is yours to keep -- including all of our current and past stock recommendations. Plus the valuable report "Oil's Hidden Millionaires: How You Can Cash In on $5 Gas," detailing the oil-services company that could help you become one of oil's newest hidden millionaires -- all this is YOURS TO KEEP.

That's our gift to you... just for taking a look at our Motley Fool Hidden Gems service to see if it might make you 5, 10, even 13 times richer as gas goes to $5 a gallon and beyond!

And here's more good news...

When you join us right now through this private invitation, I'll send you a second report -- also FREE!

You've already heard about the amazing oil-services company I think could grow your wealth faster than any other in the oil sector.

Now let me tell you about another little company taking the dining world by storm.

We first recommended this up-and-coming casual dining chain in July 2004 (think McDonald's, Wendy's, or Starbucks, back in the day).

At the time, you could have bought it for $12.83. The very next month, we recommended the same stock again. This time, you would have paid $14.50.

Now you'll pay almost twice that much. But it's still a bargain...

Recently I traveled to meet with the company's CEO. Suffice it to say that everything I learned on that trip affirmed our belief that the stock could easily double again.

In fact, this brash company shares many of the traits of Starbucks back in 1992 -- before it went on to earn investors 3,445% in 15 years, turning every $10,000 invested into $354,000.

And amazingly -- just like with Starbucks in 1992 -- there is no nationally branded competition to speak of. Only a handful of local mom-and-pop operators.

This is another of our most-promising Hidden Gems. And you'll get all the facts you need in our report, "The ONE Stock You Can't Afford to Miss This Year."

In fact, you'll discover that our latest models predict that if this franchise hits its earnings growth targets, investors who get on board now could earn in excess of 42% annualized returns over the next five years -- that's nearly a five-bagger in just five years.

It's a great opportunity right now. And here's how we'll make certain you don't miss out...

Simply click the "Start Now" button below. And you'll get both "Oil's Hidden Millionaires: How You Can Cash In on $5 Gas" and a full write-up of our other "highest-rated" stock -- "The ONE Stock You Can't Afford to Miss This Year."

You can download both reports the instant you agree to give Hidden Gems a try -- risk-free. Of course, at just $3.82 per week, your membership could prove to be the most valuable investment you ever make...

Many of our Hidden Gems members think so... Like this longtime subscriber from Melrose Park, Illinois, who writes...

"I can't believe I shelled out so little to gain so much in such a short period of time. My investment in Hidden Gems has me at a '68-bagger' in relation to the cost to join!"

Or like J.M., from Santa Rosa, California, who recently re-upped for two years and declares... "I have made multiples of my sign-up fee."

And hundreds of Hidden Gems members recently paid hundreds of dollars up front to lock in their Hidden Gems memberships for a 5-year commitment -- that's how valuable they think the service is!

I can't promise you 68 times your investment. But when you think back on the examples we've discussed today and consider the potential profits that await you... well, you can see that NOW IS THE TIME TO ACT!

Especially when you consider that the risk is all mine.

Let's quickly review what you get when you join today...

Oil's Hidden Millionaires: How You Can Cash In On $5 Gas and The ONE Stock You Can't Afford to Miss This YearFREE! My brand-new special report, "Oil's Hidden
Millionaires: How You Can Cash In on $5 Gas"... gives you all the details of the amazing investment opportunity I've told you about today.

FREE! A second special report, "The ONE Stock You Can't Afford to Miss This Year"... includes the full story on one small company that shares many of the traits of Starbucks in the 1990s! If you get in soon.

Fast Action Bonus

FREE! Fast Action Bonus -- Reveals 11 more best-bet stocks for 2008. This is a $69 value. Yours free -- when you join us today. Details below.

All three valuable reports are yours the instant you accept this invitation to start profiting from Hidden Gems risk-free today. Simply enjoy, evaluate, and profit from Hidden Gems for a full month. Keep it coming if you love it. Cancel for a full refund if you don't!


This may be your last chance to claim a share of the oil and gas bonanza

Oil's wealth-building power is truly incredible. Unfortunately, very few people will ever get a chance to take advantage of it.

A handful of investors -- very much like you -- have already watched their wealth soar 1,291%. They simply had the foresight to act on a megatrend...

"The Motley Fool's panache is a cover for a belief in the old-fashioned virtues of patience, simplicity and prudence."
--U.S. News & World Report

"The Motley Fool has always been a great place for beginners to cut their investing teeth, but it also offers enough of everything else to please seasoned investors."

Start Now!

And now you can join them before the oil and gas juggernaut takes off again.

But please remember, as with all life-changing investment opportunities, time is of the essence. Profit opportunities like this don't last!

You're just one click and mere seconds away from getting started.

All you have to do is click the big "Start Now" button to the right. Do it now. I look forward to hearing from you today!


Bill Mann

Bill Mann
Senior Investment Advisor, Motley Fool Hidden Gems

PS: The revolutionary oil-services stock we've just discussed has tremendous upside potential, but in order to maximize your gains, you must get invested before gas prices climb any further and before the Wall Street herd begins to catch on.

PPS: All gifts are yours to keep even if you cancel. Some of my colleagues thought I was crazy to offer so many bonuses even if people ask for their money back. But once they see the difference Motley Fool Hidden Gems can make, they don't know how they invested without it.

PPPS: Earlier, I promised you a prompt-action bonus. When you respond to this special invitation, I'll also rush you an electronic copy of the report, "Stocks 2008: The Investor's Guide to the Year Ahead," highlighting 11 top stocks handpicked by a team of the nation's top equity analysts. This premium research document sells online for $69 but is yours absolutely FREE when you join us at Hidden Gems through this limited-time invitation. Click here to get started now!