Monday, May 5, 2008

How to lock-in 10% a year -- every year



The investor resource The Economist calls "an ethical oasis" reveals how to turn your portfolio into...


In this special report: You'll discover a simple and sustainable way to make your money pay you over 10% a year (beginning right now) -- turning your nest egg into a regular and predictable stream of cash...

  • Collect the first of your checks in 25 days (if you act before May 9th!)... then deposit a check every week or two... for a total of 36 checks per year
  • Imagine living, traveling, and enjoying life off large dividend payments... while letting your principal continue to grow, year in and year out
  • Just follow the easy instructions in this email and create for yourself annual income of $50,000... $100,000... even $250,000!

May 5, 2008

Dear Friend,

The simple strategy I'm about to describe is so lucrative, and so sturdy in choppy markets, it may be the single best investment ever devised. And the last one you'll ever need.

Yet I assure you, this has nothing to do with insurance or annuities... nothing to do with "options" or "shorting"... and nothing to do with investing in little-known companies... or anything tricky.

Just make the few simple changes to your portfolio or savings I'm about to show you. And watch as cash pours into your mailbox month after month... year after year.

I can't wait to let you in on this system (though it's so simple, I hesitate to call it a "system"). Because I believe making this powerful information FREE and accessible will help a lot of people.

I came to this conclusion while I was on a recent golf trip in Ireland. Here's the story...

A friend of mine on the trip had just turned 60...

He's a fairly successful man, my friend, who at different times made his living as a builder... a backhoe operator... a horse breeder... and even a Chesapeake Bay oysterman. He told me he'd also made some money in real estate along the way, though those days were over, he lamented...

And even though as a younger man he planned to retire at age 50, he's happy with the nest egg he's built, and still likes his work.

What he needs at this stage, he confided, is to keep his money invested, and keep it growing. But also to collect some regular income from it. Extra income to: 

  • help a daughter buy her first house...
  • buy a beach house in South Carolina -- with money left over to furnish it...
  • start a new business venture -- with no personal cash flow worries...

My friend told me he'd be thrilled if he could start collecting 10% a year or more from a sturdy and sustainable cash-producing investment. One that also has the potential for sizable capital gains.

That got me thinking... 

As an investor, whether you're a decade or so from retirement... or just a couple years away... or enjoying your freedom right now -- nearly everyone could use extra cash. Especially when it's as easy as collecting checks from rock-solid companies and keeping your principal invested for a potential growth style return.

That's why I'm emailing. You see, what you're about to discover leaves standard fixed-income investments (like money markets, bonds, and treasuries) IN THE DUST. And these investments I want to tell you about also have a huge capital gains upside.

The truth is, once you understand how these investments work, you may never want to invest in a regular stock or bond ever again.

And what's particularly exciting is each of these unique investments is more profitable... and probably a heck of a lot safer than what's in your portfolio right now.

I'm talking about investments supported by decades of rigorous academic research... and a century of proven performance. Have a look...

In 1994, Lakonishok, Shleifer, and Vishny -- three professors we'll call "LSV" for short -- set out to investigate why certain types of stocks consistently outperform the broader market...

Their study concluded that certain overlooked stocks -- those with cheap E/Ps (earnings divided by price) and low growth -- actually outperform high-priced, high-expectation glamour stocks by 11% per year! Yet that's just the first part of the equation...

The best investment in ROUGH MARKETS LIKE THIS ONE is in companies that spin out cash effortlessly... in easily projected patterns... and then hand it back to YOU, the shareholder.

In fact, from 1970 to 2000, two professors named Kathleen Fuller and Michael Goldstein found that when the overall market declines, dividend stocks outperform non-dividend-paying stocks by an additional 1.5% per month!

Plus, Fuller and Goldstein discovered dividend stocks outperform the broader market with less risk than your portfolio. That's right! More performance with less risk... the only thing better is money in the bank!

The extra cash flow may make it possible to "throw out the household budget."

Buy more of what you want. Do a little more of what you want. (That's how my friend from the Ireland trip chooses to live, and he seems quite satisfied that he "owns most of his days," as he likes to describe it.)

Learn a new sport... volunteer... travel for months at a time... write a book... renovate an old house... you name it!

And you'll never look back with regret or pinch pennies afterward. Here's how it all begins...

In the FREE report I want to send you -- perhaps one of the most important you'll ever read -- we'll show you exactly how you can start receiving 2-4 checks every month... 36 over the next year and every year thereafter... delivered straight to your mailbox... starting now.

And lest you think that earning this much income means giving up capital gains, please take a look at this...

Since we created this powerful system, more than half of our gains have come from capital appreciation. So even as you pocket your monthly checks, your account will grow ever more valuable.

Please allow me a proper introduction

My name is Oliver White. I'm emailing you on behalf of an exclusive investment advisory service called Motley Fool Income Investor that specializes in finding unique dividend-paying investments...

  • Posco -- up over 147% since May 2005
  • Invesco -- up more than 113% since November 2004
  • Norsk Hydro -- up over 74% since November 2006
  • Petroleo Brasileiro -- up over 120% since August 2007

How do we do it? Our two world-class investment analysts, James Early and Andy Cross, burrow deep inside company financial statements, uncovering powerhouse foreign stocks... companies on the brink of a major share buyback... upcoming spin-offs... and special dividend announcements. Rich, overlooked opportunities like...

  • Equity Inns, which made over 100% gains before it was taken private
  • TXU, which made more than 100% when we locked in our profits
  • Alliance Bernstein, up over 82% since our recommendation in 2004
            Returns as of April 14, 2008

And overall, across all our recommendations, there's never been a time when our group failed to beat the S&P 500! But a lot of investors don't have the benefit of our network. And that's unfortunate...

Because stock prices continue to bounce around like a marble in a roulette wheel. A few free falls at the wrong time could seriously cut into their nest eggs -- and permanently hurt their retirement.

Will they still have enough to carry through? Are they gambling -- counting on luck -- that the market will be "up" when they need it to be?

Warren Buffett predicts 6-7% growth for stocks for the next 20-30 years. John Templeton comes in at 6% for the next 10 years. John Bollinger sees the Dow going "nowhere" for the next decade.

But here is the good news...

The simple system I'm about to show you protects you against every single one of these dangers. It can save your retirement and save you from unnecessary financial struggle.

Want to get started? It couldn't be simpler. Here's what you do:

Start by buying shares in the first company listed in our special report, "INCOME FOR LIFE." (I'll show you how to get this report FREE in a moment.)

INCOME STOCK #1 is a unique, publicly traded investment most people don't know about... which gives you a "backdoor" way to collect substantial payouts from companies that aren't traded on public stock exchanges.

It's all made possible by the U.S. Congress passing the Small Business Investment Incentive Act.

"The world of private equity -- securities of companies that are not listed on a public exchange -- has essentially been off-limits to regular folks... [available only to] the seriously rich or institutional investors... but there's another way to get into the game -- and receive enticing dividends -- for no more than the $20 price of a liquid, publicly traded stock."
-- Kiplingers Personal Finance

Why would you want to get in on these private equity style investments? Because they can pay you an absolute fortune! Take a look...

The company detailed in the report I want to send you has paid investors 578% in the last 10 years... 

It's the Wal-Mart of financial companies, providing access to lowest-cost capital while acting as a one-stop financing shop for companies that have enterprise values of $20 million to $500 million. The company prides itself on being a Wal-Mart-esque shop for middle-market buyouts and financing...

Sporting a 13.0% dividend yield, it has increased its dividend 32 times since 1997!

Next, buy the same dollar amount in the eight other companies we detail in the report...

INCOME STOCK #2 has been one of our best performers since it was recommended nearly four years ago, and it still shows great long-term promise...

Bottom line: This investment, and the 7 others you're about to read about, are a heck of a lot more profitable... and will pay you much more in dividends... than ordinary stocks bonds and mutual funds...

INCOME STOCK #3 provides rural phone and DSL service, and it's taken advantage of the consolidation among larger telecoms to build its network, snatching up choice local phone lines that were too small for the majors. Its core strategy is to lavish additional services on these long-neglected customers...

The company continues to deliver impressive numbers. Because the dividend yield alone could represent a market-beating return!

A Portfolio That Pays: 9 Stocks to Build a Fixed-Income StrategyINCOME STOCK #4 is an investment trust. It's like a regular stock in that you can buy it from any broker. But that's where the similarities end...

You see, unlike ordinary companies, trusts pay ZERO federal taxes. Meaning there's a lot more money for investors, which the trust is required by law to pay out to shareholders like you and me.

The New York Times call trusts "the antidote to shrinking stock portfolios and tiny fixed income returns."

The Financial Times says trusts "have been a boon for investors seeking double-digit yields at a time of low interest rates."

That's why I'm so excited about arguably the most well-managed -- and conservative -- mortgage real estate investment trust (REIT) in the business. It's run by a team that boasts an average of nearly 20 years of experience and has been remarkably adept at navigating murky interest-rate waters.

In fact, the continued Fed cut rates have made the Treasury yield curve the steepest it has been since 2004. That allows this firm to earn a substantial interest rate spread on the difference between short-term and long-term interest rates. The stock is undervalued, and investors get a double-digit dividend to hold for the long-term.

INCOME STOCK #5 specializes in loans to midsize businesses. This firm aims for a big, steady payout, and it even went so far as to convert to a REIT so it could deliver a larger dividend with a lower cost of capital... now paying 17%!

To get your share from these companies, just follow our simple instructions.

Altogether you can look forward to 2-4 checks a month... 36 a year... delivered right to your mailbox. And so on... for as long as you want! 

It's just that simple.

INCOME STOCK #6 is a $3.7 billion REIT that specializes in developing industrial, office, and retail space across the United States...

During the past 10 years, this company's revenue and funds from operation have increased more than 13% a year. And most important, this company has increased its dividend each year of its existence!

INCOME STOCK #7 yields a tax-advantaged 6.9% and will pad your pockets with a hefty capital gain as well. This company gathers, processes, stores, separates, and ships natural gas and natural gas liquids...

A Portfolio That Pays: 9 Stocks to Build a Fixed-Income StrategyIt's a fairly simple business and one with an inherent and protected competitive advantage: Legally, pipelines can be built only when there's a demonstrated economic need, which means it has a lock on many of its existing 27,000 miles of pipeline.

INCOME STOCK #8 owns and operates transportation and storage assets for the oil and natural gas industry. It benefits from rising energy demand with far less exposure to commodity prices...

The company generates the majority of its revenue from tolling agreements -- other companies pay to use its pipelines. Those payments are based on the volume of oil and natural gas, not the price, and there's the true beauty of the energy pipeline business: Consumption will certainly fluctuate, but it's not nearly as volatile as price.

This significantly reduces commodity price risk, the greatest risk in the energy industry.

INCOME STOCK#9 is now the second-largest independent rural telecommunications company in the United States. It serves 3.2 million access lines and 870,000 high-speed Internet customers in 16 states, primarily in the Southeast and southern Midwest, generating about $3.3 billion in annual revenue...

It pays a high and sustainable dividend and has good growth prospects (broadband penetration is only 26% of subscribers, while it's available to 83%), making it a solid addition to an income portfolio!

That's why I want to get the exclusive FREE report, "INCOME FOR LIFE-- complete with all the details on all 9 cash-cranking investments -- into your hands as soon as possible!

But let me put my money where my mouth is: I'm so confident about this INCOME FOR LIFE strategy, here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to give you:

Your special "keep everything" & "lose nothing" -- DOUBLE GUARANTEE

Because we stand behind every piece of advice, insight, and recommendation you'll get from this service, I'd like to offer you the opportunity to position yourself to make a pile of money and soak up all the recommendations that Motley Fool Income Investor has to offer -- WITHOUT ANY RISK WHATSOEVER.

You can tell me to send your money back, up to the last day of your first month. And I'll give back every cent, NO QUESTIONS ASKED.

You'll get the full details of the 9 companies and the INCOME FOR LIFE strategy... Plus all the content you can access on the Income Investor members-only website: All the reports... all the recommendations of the past issues... all the articles full of time-tested dividend investing lessons... plus a valuable, fast-action bonus detailed below -- are ALL YOURS TO KEEP WITH MY COMPLIMENTS.

And if you decide you'd like out at any point after your first month, I'll gladly send you the full dollar value of the remainder of your membership term.

However, I'm pretty sure that once you have a closer look at what our exclusive, dividend-focused investment group is doing, you'll want to stick around for the long haul.

It's a big promise, I know. But I have absolutely no qualms about giving it to you.

Motley Fool Income Investor's stocks are beating the market, cranking out a ton of cash, and poised for sizable capital gains in the years ahead -- with MUCH less Risk!

Our exhaustive stock screening system sifts out the highest potential stocks from around the world -- like the 9 I can't wait to get into your hands in your exclusive FREE report, "INCOME FOR LIFE."

At Income Investor we invest exclusively in companies that I expect to keep paying that dividend... and, more important, to raise it methodically over the years. This is where the real magic happens... each and every time that dividend goes up, so does the YIELD you bank on your original investment!

Before you know it, you can realistically expect to receive more than your original investment in annual dividends. This is the POWERFUL WEALTH BUILDING SECRET of America's wealthiest families... and how the rich just keep getting richer.

This is exactly what we are doing at Motley Fool Income Investor. You're right to demand proof. Here's another small sample of the results we've achieved...

  • December 2005, we recommended ONEOK, the largest natural gas distributor in Kansas and Oklahoma and the third-largest in Texas -- today we're up over 81%...
  • December 2003, we recommended Total SA, one of the world's largest oil and gas companies, for over 83% gains...
  • June 2004, we recommended Baltimore, Maryland-based Constellation Energy, for more than 143% gains...
          Returns as of April 14, 2008

We've got plenty more where those came from... and I'd be happy to share them all with you during your risk-free subscription to Motley Fool Income Investor.

Companies fat with cash. Companies low on debt. Companies that reward you with huge dividends. Companies boasting huge insider buybacks. It's all there.

All you need to do to take advantage of it is let me know. Sign up for a risk-free year of Motley Fool Income Investor. You can tap into these many powerful cash-producing investments.

Here's how we'll begin:

"INCOME FOR LIFE" -- The instant you accept my invitation, we'll rush you your exclusive FREE report, highlighting the 9 investments we just discussed.

Then each month, we'll send you 2 great dividend-paying stocks right to your door or inbox... each one carefully screened and poised for substantial cash payouts and with the potential for outsized capital gains.

How much would you pay? How much would you pay to get into the Motley Fool Income Investor circle of subscribers?

How much is it worth for:

  • Great stocks -- You'll get our best stock ideas for growth, value, and annual yield. Our focus on dividends gives us the most powerfully reliable screen there is.
  • Freedom from worry -- No matter what the market does, your dividends will keep cranking out cash and building your wealth.
  • Savings on commission and fees -- Most of these investments can be bought directly from the companies through direct stock purchase or dividend reinvestment plans. You'll receive all the contact information to do this. (And even warnings if any company tries to hit you with fees.)

How much is it worth to gain access to EVERY top recommendation in the Motley Fool Income Investor portfolio, plus all our updates and reports, and the private website that archives everything covered by Motley Fool Income Investor

Our regular membership rate is $199 -- a very fair deal. But when you join through this special email offer today, you get an even better deal. Take a look...

When you order from this email, you can knock $50 right off the top. That's the lowest price we've ever offered on Income Investor.

So let's quickly revisit what you get in return:

  • "INCOME FOR LIFE" -- The instant you accept my invitation, we'll rush you your exclusive FREE report, highlighting the 9 investments we just discussed.
  • 12 monthly issues of Income Investor -- In print form, mailed to your home. (You can also access it online via our exclusive subscriber-only website on the day of release.)
  •  Weekly updates -- The latest news on our stocks.
  •  All back issues -- Follow all of our picks and analyses from previous years at no extra charge.
  • Live scorecard -- We track our performance with a real-time scorecard, which allows you to get current performance data throughout the trading day.
  • Annual review of stock performance -- You'll get a complete annual recap of the performance of all our past picks.
  • Access to our subscriber-only website -- Where you'll get a wealth of information to make you a more successful investor.
  • Access to the Income Investor discussion boards -- Exchange insights and experience with other members.

PLUS, if you act right this instant, I'll rush you this fast-action bonus:

Stocks that just let you live better

Because you don't have to worry about them. Because they spin out cash effortlessly and reward YOU, the shareholder. Allowing you to do more of the things you want with the extra income.

All the investments Income Investor recommends are the kind of stocks SAFE ENOUGH TO HANG ONTO... but STRONG ENOUGH THAT THEY PAY. And go up, adding value to your portfolio outside of the usual ebb and flow of Wall Street. This is the only way we know of to get big gains without big risks.

It's as simple as that. And you risk nothing by giving Income Investor a try.

I hope you will.

Let me hear from you soon,

Oliver White

Oliver White
Senior Investment Writer, Motley Fool Income Investor

P.S. This is a no-lose proposition. You're covered by our special "Risk Nothing" GUARANTEE. The full details of the INCOME FOR LIFE strategy... plus Stocks 2008 (a $69 value)... are YOURS TO KEEP REGARDLESS OF HOW LONG YOU'RE WITH US.

There's only one catch: to take advantage of this offer, you must join through this email today!

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